Hanazuki's colorful treasures based on characters from the animated series to play and collect. Each surprise bag contains 2 treasures that can also be attached to the Hanazuki Moodgleam color bracelet or the Moodlight garden playset. Are you ready for a space trip in the galaxy. Collect all the colorful treasures in the company of the sweet Hanazuki, and courageously express your feelings and emotions: only in this way will you be able to make them blossom and transform into the mythical treasure trees. There are tons of treasures in the collection, and if you scan them, you can bring up some great new content in the app.
Product Specifications
- 2 surprise treasures in every pack
- Collect colorful treasures with fun faces for every mood
- Express moods by wearing and displaying Hanazuki treasures
- Ages 6 and up.
- Includes 2 treasures.
- Length : 3.2 cm
- Width : 10.2 cm
- Height : 14.6 cm