Jujutsu Kaisen Mahito figure is a cursed spirit and serves as one of the primary antagonists of the Jujutsu Kaisen series. With his innate technique, Idle Transfiguration, Mahito is able to reshape souls and by doing so is able to disfigure the bodies of his victims, heal his own wounds and transform his own limbs into weapons. His ultimate goal is the eradication of humanity and replacing the population with cursed spirits.
Product Specifications
- Presents this Jujutsu Kaisen Mahito figure that is a cursed spirit and serves as one of the primary antagonists of the Jujutsu Kaisen series!
- Based & inspired from the character in the anime series!
- Highly detailed
- Non-articulated figure
- Length : 15.2 cm
- Width : 15.2 cm
- Height : 20.3 cm